Pearlz Dreaming – Ebook Collections



34 pages of art, story and poetry on Queensland drawn from June Perkins blogs and including some never before shown art.

All part of a journey of learning by doing, more ebooks, coffee table books, prints, and other books to nurture the soul etc on the way.  

All sales go to support June continuing her arts practice and production of more works.

Available as Ebook only.

To see a sample of the book:

Pearlz Dreaming Queensland

Will send a free copy to all new subscribers to the  once a month newsletter.

This is different from subscribing to the blog itself so sign up in the box at the top of the side links.

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Truth Moon


If we can harvest the moon
should we

Or should we let it continue to be
the harvest moon

Not the harvested moon

Mr Twain says that lies can travel
half way around the world

whilst truth puts on it shoes

hoaxes of celebrity
deaths that never happened
come to mind

people fight manipulation from
papers and towering billboards

they want the truth before they make decisions
not gift wrapped lies
for dreams

the moon looks down on all
she thinks
harvesting the truth
could call for Hermes
and his winged shoes to bring
us back stories
we can believe

(c) June Perkins

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