Wishing you a Happy World Poetry Day!

What a beautiful gif from Unesco!  Due to time differences between Northern and Southern Hemispheres World Poetry day is still happening!

I think I would love to organise something for this day next year !  This is what UNESCO  say on their site.

“Poetry reaffirms our common humanity by revealing to us that individuals, everywhere in the world, share the same questions and feelings. Poetry is the mainstay of oral tradition and, over centuries, can communicate the innermost values of diverse cultures.

In celebrating World Poetry Day, March 21, UNESCO recognizes the unique ability of poetry to capture the creative spirit of the human mind.

decision to proclaim 21 March as World Poetry Day was adopted during UNESCO’s 30th session held in Paris in 1999.

One of the main objectives of the Day is to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression and to offer endangered languages the opportunity to be heard within their communities.

The observance of World Poetry Day is also meant to encourage a return to the oral tradition of poetry recitals, to promote the teaching of poetry, to restore a dialogue between poetry and the other arts such as theatre, dance, music and painting, and to support small publishers and create an attractive image of poetry in the media, so that the art of poetry will no longer be considered an outdated form of art, but one which enables society as a whole to regain and assert its identity.” (Source: http://www.un.org/en/events/poetryday/)

‘Reading With’ photo competition.

Magic Fish Dreaming

You have all this week to share your best ‘reading with’ someone photograph (make sure you have permission to share with anyone in the pic) and a few words about it, and we will pick the one we loved the most and, send you Magic Fish Dreaming. If you already have Magic Fish Dreaming we’ll post another small surprise or you can give the book to a friend!

Share your photograph either on our facebook page or on twitter or instagram with the hashtag #readtomemagicfishdreaming

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Poem of the Day

Loved this prompt. Here is the result.

Australian Children’s Poetry


Art Class

For Vincent’s  ‘The  Starry,  Starry Night’

Outlines crash into swirls

Miss Del Amico asks, what do you see?

Is that a sky of blue curls?

Outlines crash into swirls

Time to dive for some pearls

Will I find this painting’s key?

Outlines crash into swirls

Miss Del Amico asks, what do you see ?

June Perkins
  • Submitted in response to Poetry Prompt #8


June said: This is a triolet using the prompt ‘Blurred.’ The first words that came into my head were, ‘outlines crash into swirls’.

The trickiest thing with this poem was picking the artist.  Would they be someone I personally knew who painted, a fictional small child, or someone who everyone knows that paints?  I thought of a famous artist who used swirls, Vincent Van Gough.

I added the dedication to help with understanding of the poem.

I imagine this poem is an art class for…

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