Stockings, Broomsticks and Friendship: Writing Inspired by Childhood books

So not too much poetry at the moment. Working on a novel for children.  Part of the journey includes rereading books I loved as a child.


During February I spent the month revising workshops and resources about structure as well as beginning a quest to re-read some of my favourite childhood books.  I also began to locate more contemporary books for middle grades and youth to unravel for their structure and best features.

I am putting enormous amounts of efforts into outlining, researching, and structuring prior to beginning my full write ups of the first draft of middle grade novels. Furthermore, I am seeking to support this by my study of the books I love and admire, I am making my journey through the first drafts.

I especially enjoyed revisiting the Worst Witch, and examining the length of the book, chapters, scenes, and how black line illustrations were distributed throughout.  It is so well balanced, with just enough of  description, dialogue and humour to appeal to the young reader. This book still makes me giggle!

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Visual Poetry – A Summer of Reading Workshop

Magic Fish Dreaming

These works were created in a two hour workshop with June Perkins and Helene Magisson for the Summer of Reading Program with the Brisbane libraries, held January 2018.  The host libraries were Chermside and Toowong.


The above photographs  are shared with consent of artist/writers and taken by Helene Magisson.

A big thank you to the staff at both libraries who assisted with the set up of the room and other practicalities as well as giving us warm introductions.

The following three photographs  of  the workshop in action are courtesy of the Brisbane libraries.


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