Celebrating Creative Friends

Just a few inspirational moments with creative people from this year.

I love reading, music, books, henna, and singing.

I love collaborating, listening and connecting.

I love history, picture books, novels, non fiction.

I like studying the craft of writing.

I love celebrating people’s books, cultures, resilience, beauty.

I love people who create sacred spaces , who respect sacred moments,

and friendships.

Thank you to all of those pictured for being you!

Bird of the Heart and Illumine Exhibition

(c) June Perkins, Words and Image

I am busy preparing for the  ‘Illumine Exhibition  with Ruha, Minaira and Temily.  Just 4 weekends to go!

I’m not absolutely decided on which of my pieces are going in, but I enjoy the process of creating things and then working out how to present them.

I have been searching for the best specials and reasonable quality for printing and mounting, so that things attract the viewer but are not super expensive.

We are exhibiting at Magda Community Artz, which is not often used as an exhibition space, but is more regularly a performance space.  To adapt the space we will be using easels as well as the walls, and finding safe places to hang things from, and may even make use of some of the outdoor space. This is making me think carefully about how to print and mount the photographs and what kind of materials to print them on.  You can print on canvas, metal, fabric (cotton, silk), wood board, different kinds of paper and more.  Each of these has a different quality.

I have been on big searches in pinterest to look for inspiration.  One day I might even write a blog on it!

Another thing I have been looking at is how to present the poems.  Will it be on posters with the images like the photograph on this post, or will they be simply written under the photograph on foam core?  I might also read the poem under the image it goes with?

We’re having some performances of dance, music and poetry on opening night and charging a small door fee to help us cover the costs of the exhibition. If you are in Brisbane and able to attend you can book for our special opening night HERE




Divine Tree


“When a soul has in it the life of the spirit, then does it bring forth good fruit and become a divine tree.”
-‘Abdu’l-Baha, Paris Talks

Here the hands represent the soul
in action and on that hand
is the imprint of the divine tree.

You can read and see more photographic reflections on the month of Speech at Nineteen Months.



When I pass

Always behind
seeking to capture textures of a family walk
mushrooms in a tree stump

When I pass
is this one of the images that will flash before me?


When I pass will I see
reality lights of cane and sunset
flickering orange, green merging and
realise my soul is
an interconnection of light to light memories
people there flicker
into lamps of their soul


The lamp of my soul
becomes zen of light and circles
all colours
and none
is this what souls look like
when we pass and go to meet our loved ones?



(c) June Perkins, images and words.

Rippling Peace

Peace Ripple – June Perkins

Reading to understand
Ignorance eradicated
Purity of motive
Participation in community
Loving all humanity
Innocence protected
No more hate
Good seen in everyone

Peace is more than the abscence of war
Eagerness to help others
Art a ladder for the soul
Caring for the vulnerable
Excellence in all things

Reliance on each other
Pathways to solutions can be found
Peace is achievable
Loving all creation
Importance of consultation
Needing to listen to each other
God is love

Dreaming of a future world
Rid of poverty
Entrances are without ego
Awareness of inequalities created by history
Mystery of creation respected
Soul is the centre of all

By June Perkins