Ancient Modern


In the seventies

old souls with young faces

went looking for revolutions’ places

found heroes called Bob Dylan

looked in music for something

more than melody

danced with metaphors deep

and blue.


Now young souls with old faces

say, ‘Who on earth was he?’

and one wonders is there any

such thing as


to the old and young set in stone

are they open to change?


When will young faces have

young souls

and old souls have old faces

Or is it all a dreamer’s mask?

And a distraction to the true task

as we all face the fading of our bones.


To live the poet’s life

let the words

find the souls they belong to

doesn’t matter old or young

look beyond the face

listen to wisdom from every voice

keep alive the questioning of youth


and in the silence after


the open door.


(c June Perkins


Dancing Light
Studies in Green Light – By June Perkins